Racial Justice NOW! DMV Director’s Note

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Racial Justice NOW! (RJN) is a community based, grassroots org led by parents pushing back on dehumanization in education.

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There is no doubt that the past year has been extraordinarily difficult. Given the vast number of things that have changed in a year, it is no wonder that many are feeling the compounded stress of the Covid pandemic and its effects. While some things are the same, such as the continuous murders of Black people by police and others and the incessant need for the media to show these murders repeatedly, many things are different like online schooling, changes in how we work, if we are still employed, and how we take care of ourselves and our young people. There has been so much loss and change, with no time or way to grieve it. While there have indeed been moments of joy, they seem to be harder to hold onto.

I offer a reminder to take care of your well-being. Caring for yourself can look like a variety of things, depending on your needs and what you enjoy. There is no right or wrong way to engage in self-care. It is personal and one size does not fit all. It also does not necessarily require money or take a lot of time. Here are some things you can do to take a moment for yourself and some activities that you can recommend for your children:

  • Watch a TV show or read a book or article that makes you laugh, 
  • Exercise/ move around/ play a sport (bike riding, walking, basketball, lifting, etc.),
  • Dance or move during the duration of song while listening to your favorite song,
  • Engage with an art, 
  • Turn off your phone and/ or disconnect from social media,
  • Go outside and get some vitamin D,
  • Meditate for a few minutes, 
  • Cook a delicious meal,
  • Get a pedicure and/or manicure, your hair done/ a shape-up (practicing proper safety precautions!),
  • Play a game,
  • Get a massage,
  • Be by yourself for a few minutes and take a few deep breaths,
  • Talk to a family member or friend that you feel good around.


Many of us have grown up seeing our family and friends live very strong lives. Our role models have fought hard for their well-deserved accomplishments. We are accustomed to hard work and pushing through. This, however, is an unusual time. I encourage you to explore the benefits of self-care. It is not just about ways to indulge yourself, but is important for good physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health. So, take some time to take care of yourself. Your family and friends will thank you later.

Racial Justice NOW! DMV

Project Director

Carolyn Lowery


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